Szkoły przy FPLzN

Szkoła Podstawowa Niepubliczna

Szkoła Przysposabiająca do Pracy

przy Fundacji Pomocy Ludziom z Niepełnosprawnościami

tel/fax. 022 666 08 77
mobile. 502 237 211
ul. Skuterowa 9
03-114 Warszawa

About us

The mission of our schools is to prepare students in their individual abilities and needs to function independently in everyday life, providing them with a sense of security, acceptance, confidence and success. We focus on full integration of the disabled child and his family, broadly defined student activities and develop skills to build social relationships and communicate with others.
Many years of experience allows highly qualified team to adapt the methods and forms of cooperation to the individual needs and abilities of the child and gradually, step by step to implement and achieve the objectives of education during his stay in the facility.
Creating appropriate conditions for comprehensive development for all pupils, we are sure that every child in our school will find true friends, know the taste of success and knowledge will be captured without the stress and failures!
Implementation of the mission schools is based on extensive cooperation with parents and the local environment. We are open to contacts with the institutions that might support our project.
Jarosław Rola, Director